Saturday, May 9, 2015

I am loved

When I was growing up, Mother's Day was a time for construction paper cards, breakfast in bed, and flowers on the table from Daddy.  After all, we had the "world's best mommy" and we wanted to make sure she knew how special she was to us!  Honestly, I don't know how she felt about Mother's Day.  Did we succeed at making her feel special?  Did she know how much she was adored?  Did she have expectations for Mother's Day?  Did we meet them?

I talked to my mama on the phone this afternoon.  We chatted casually about life, her job and bedroom remodel, my boy's homeschooling, siblings, etc...  Mother's Day came up in the conversation.  We talked about how challenging yet rewarding motherhood is.  I sighed as I acknowledged that my siblings and I have not made parenting easy on my mom.  Being a mommy has not gotten easier for her as we have grown up.  She agreed that in some ways it has gotten harder.  "But it's all been worth it!  she said.  We sat in silence for a moment and my mind ran with memories of all of the challenges we have presented to her.  Then she interrupted the silence by saying, "I am just so proud of you all.  I love you and think you're great!"

I'm not sure if we made Mom feel loved growing up, but I have never doubted that she loves me.  I'm not sure if she knew how special she was to us, but I know I am special to her.  I don't know if she knew that we thought she was great, but I know she thinks I'm great.

My mama and I are very different.  We think differently, parent differently, homeschool differently, love and feel love differently.  I have made her cry and she has made me cry.  We have fought and laughed together.  At times we agree and feel great camaraderie in the challenges of life.  At other times, we completely disagree and are baffled by each other.

I won't be with my mama on Mother's Day this year.  I am miles away.  I love her, though.  I pray that my boys will grow up with a confidence that I love them...the way I grew up, knowing I am loved. 

Happy Mother's Day Mama!  I love you too!


  1. Beautifully said, my friend. And I'm enjoying the "day in the life of" series (even if you did knock my 80's jamz. :) Love you all and praying for you!

  2. Glad you're enjoying the series! :) Sorry about "knocking your jamz"! ;) I just don't dig 'em! ;)
