Friday, May 15, 2015

A Day in Our Shoes: Part 4

Thursday morning we got up early and started packing up the trailer.  If we are all highly motivated and everything goes as it should, we can do this in about an hour...which means, it usually takes us closer to two.  The boys know the drill.  Caden mostly helps Josh on the outside of the trailer and Noah helps me inside.


"1, 2, 3, lift!"

This is what they don't tell you about when you decide to live in a trailer;)

Before we can get the trailer rearranged Noah helps me get the dishes washed and sandwiches made for the drive.

Then we have to move everything that is stored on the shelves down to the floor!  We also have to move most of the heavier things to the back of the trailer in order to even out the weight distribution.

How many men does it take to hook up a trailer?

 And we're off!  School time in the truck!

 When we arrive, we get to undo everything we just did! 
Ahhhh!  Everything back in it's place!

So there you have it!  A Day of set up/tear down In Our Shoes! :)

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