Thursday, January 1, 2015

Pressed But Not Crushed in 2014

Some years are harder than others.  2014 was a hard year. 
Not because we suffered great tragedy. 
Not because we felt alone or abandoned or confused… we didn’t. 

This year was hard because it was so much work!  This ministry and traveling life has required so much from us.  We often felt pulled in too many directions, stretched too thin, awake too much, and asleep too little!  In our marriage, we found ourselves in situations so foreign that we struggled to speak each other’s language.  As an individual, I sought God earnestly for growth, and in response He showed me areas in my life that needed stripped away, lies that needed defeated and wounds that needed healed.

As I begin 2015, I am not weary. 
I am tired, but not defeated. 
I have not finished this race, but this year I fought the good fight and I intend to continue to fight.  I will fight to follow well and I will keep the faith! 
My God is faithful and I pray His Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven. 
2015, ready or not, here we come!

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