Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Back to Life, Back to Reality

I have a good excuse for not writing for so long!  Really I do...Okay, I know I always have good excuses.  Perhaps someday I will be a "real" blogger and I'll write every day or several times a week, but alas for now I am what I am (a sporadic, undependable, wanna-be blogger). :)  And I'm okay with that.

Now, back to my excuse. 
We took a vacation!  Woohoo!  That's right - a real, bona fide break from work.  We rested, played, visited with friends, stayed up late, slept in and loved every minute of it.  However, all good things must come to an end and now we are back to reality...kind of. 

We are home for a week spending time with family and doing a little bit of recording.  Our Spring is a little unique this year.  We were in Northern California and Oregon the past several weeks.  Now we're home.  Next week we'll head to Portland for a couple weeks, Yakima for a weekend, then home again.  That will finish up our Spring.  At the end of May we'll head east for our Summer tour and spend most of the summer in eastern Washington and Montana.  That will be our longest tour of the year.

I mentioned earlier that we're doing a bit of recording this week.  We are finally beginning our attempt to record a worship album with my vocals.  It has been nearly four years since I have recorded anything, so I am a little bit nervous.  (to learn more about why I did not record/sing for a few years you can listen to "Sarah's Testimony" on the home page of our ministry website www.onehopeonetruth.org )  I am confident that God will accomplish His will in our lives and if He desires for us to record a worship album, then He will bless our efforts.  Josh and I are pursuing this because we believe it is what God has as a next step for our ministry, but we remain surrendered to whatever He chooses to do or not do in this recording process.  We would greatly appreciate your prayers and will keep you posted on how recording goes.

I am off now to chase around the cousins. :)  I'll write again...eventually ;)

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