Friday, November 28, 2014

Happy Black Friday

I am writing you from the comfort of my parent's dining room! :)  If you are out shopping, more power to you, but you won't find me out there! :P

We arrived home safely this past Sunday.  God is so generous in the way that he blesses and protects my family!  Sunday, we had a church service in Yakima, WA.  What a blessed morning that was!  Then we drove across Snoqualmie pass and the roads were just fine.  Praise God!  There had been some snow over the weekend in the pass and it had looked like we might not be able to go that way, but it turned out great.  The road was wet but no snow or ice!

We have enjoyed time with my sister, and her kids the past few days and then spent Thanksgiving with the rest of my family.  It was a very happy thanksgiving! :)

We will be ministering at our home church this Sunday morning and then have our first Christmas concert Sunday night.  I can't believe it's that time already!?

Well, that's all for now.  Going to enjoy some more "cousin time" today.
Love to you all!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

A little more Boise

Hello again from Boise.  We're here for a little bit longer.  The days are ticking away until we're "home for the holidays", and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't counting. 5!!!! :)

We are having a good time here, though.  This is the longest we've stayed in one place other than the Seattle and Billings areas (where we have family).  It has been interesting being in the same place for so long.  I think we'd know the area very well if it weren't for the arctic blast that froze everyone into their homes/trailers.  When we got here a couple weeks ago the weather was beautiful.  We went to the zoo and it was around 65 degrees and sunny (absolutely perfect weather if you ask me).

                                                                                        (yes, those are bats...yuk!)
 I think the reflection of my little guy in this pic is so cool!

So, after this fantastic weather we said, "This is amazing!  Let's come to Boise every year in November."...Famous last words...Last Thursday the temperatures plummeted and the snow fell and we thought to ourselves, "Let's never come here again!" :)
 Good morning to you too.

 the snow didn't make these two grumpy
making maple syrup candy "Little House on the Prairie" style

  Just kidding.  It hasn't been that bad.  Our trailer has handled the cold rather well, the kids love the snow, and we haven't had any concerts canceled, so I shouldn't complain. :)

It has been a wonderful couple weeks of ministry.  We have our last event here in the area tomorrow evening, then we're headed to Eastern Washington next weekend before heading back to Seattle.

If you've been following my blog for long, you know that when we're home I don't update the blog often.  I'll be honest, our time back is precious!  We add to our always busy ministry and family schedule, time with family and friends.  We have a particularly INSANE Christmas schedule, so we ask for your prayers for strength, energy, health and balance in addition to powerful ministry where people are pointed to Jesus.  I'll do my best to keep you up to date.  Love to you all and as always, thank you so much for your prayers! 

Here are a couple more pics just for fun.
 on our way to ID
 A legit cattle drive in nowhere land, ID.  I totally did not know these still happen. 
(confessions of a city girl) 
There were two cowboys on horses and a dog following this herd.
 "Why, hello there Mr. Cow.  You are uncomfortably close to my window. 
Please go back to your pasture somewhere.)

 I'm always so proud of my hubby. 
What a gift to be married to a man who so boldly shares the Gospel. 
He is "all in" for Jesus!  There is no doubt!

My sweet friend who lives in Hawaii was kind enough to send me a picture from the beach.  This was my response to her as I was out shopping in the 12 degree weather. ;)

Friday, November 14, 2014

snow, Snow, SNOW!

It is 27 degrees and snowing here in Boise.  I know some of you are where it is much colder, but for this Seattle girl it is downright FREEZING!  Yesterday we stayed inside all day.  It was so bitter cold and wet and COLD!  I let the boys go out to play in the snow today, though.  The wind isn't blowing so hard and they couldn't be contained any longer! :)  They are having a blast!  I am so grateful for a warm, dry trailer and no planned travel during this weather.  God held back the bad weather until after our mountain traveling was complete and this should all be melted and clear before we travel next weekend.  God is good!

It has been a hard week for me emotionally.  I am homesick, lonely and weary of traveling.  Ministry is going so well though, so I expect a lot of my discouragement is simply an attack of the enemy.  I am trying to treat it as such and spend more time in prayer and the word!  Yesterday, I escaped to the RV clubhouse hot tub (talk about a sweet surprise - we had no idea that would be here when we made the reservation!) to relax, have some "alone" time, and warm up.  I ended up chatting with a woman for nearly an hour about her traveling music ministry and God's miraculous gifting to her the ability to sing late in life.  What a beautiful divine appointment! :)  Then, I chatted on the phone with a couple dear friends.  I returned to the trailer feeling more encouraged and emotionally content than I've felt in many days.  God is so good!

This morning I found myself reading/praying these verses:

"Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you.  Show me the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul.  Rescue me from my enemies, O LORD, for I hide myself in you.  Teach me to do your will, for you are my God; may your good Spirit lead me on level ground.  For your name's sake, O LORD, preserve my life; in your righteousness, bring me out of trouble.  In your unfailing love, silence my enemies; destroy all my foes, for I am your servant."  Psalm 143:8-12

What a blessing to know that from the beginning of time, God has loved his children.  He hears us when we cry out to him.  He comforts and protects and guides.  We are safe in his arms.  "Thank you God for your goodness!"

We have concerts tonight, Sunday am and pm, next Wednesday, and Sunday am.  As always we appreciate your prayers for God to work in the hearts of those who attend, that they might know Him better! - I also updated the prayer page of this blog as well, if you'd like more specific prayer requests.  Love to you all!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Our Life is SO Weird

I'm sitting here at the dining room table/food prep counter/homeschool desk/computer desk in our trailer.  Josh is sitting about 10 feet away from me in his office, the truck.  It is a really nice day today, so I have a window open.  I can hear the boys playing happily outside on the little patio on our campsite.  This feels very normal.  Earlier the boys and I worked on schoolwork in here while Josh made booking phone calls in the truck and in just a little while I'll set this table with dinner and we will eat as a family.  I have a few brief moments by myself in the trailer right now, and I am relishing them.

When I sat down to update my blog, the first thing that came to my mind is the number 17.  Seventeen days until we're "home".  I am so excited to see family and friends and to begin our holiday celebrations.  Then I began to think about how very, very different this visit "home" will be.  This will be the first time we actually stay at an RV park in the Seattle area.  We'll be there for just over 6 weeks and we have no house or apartment, so we'll park our little trailer and live at the RV park.  This is bittersweet.  On the one hand, it will be a blessing to sleep in our own beds, cook in my own kitchen, and continue to have a place of our very own.  On the other hand, this won't be so different from our time on the road and in the past I've looked forward to something different when we go "home".

This time will also be different because we have such a busy concert schedule.  Two of the weekends we'll actually leave town and the rest of the time we have a ton of concerts/church services locally.  It is wonderful to be able to continue the work of the ministry God has called us to through the holidays!  Of course, that means that this is yet another way that life will not be so different from our time on the road...

So I find myself re-evaluating this word "home" again.  That seems to happen every time we are on our way back to the Seattle area.  The reality is -  Renton is where our friends and our church are and North of Seattle is where my family is, where I am auntie and sister and daughter.  But, wherever this little trailer is, is where I am mommy and wife and most importantly, it is where I know,beyond a shadow of a doubt, that I am doing exactly what God wants me to be doing.  I am in the center of His will here and I think that means that here in this trailer, with my family, wherever we go I am home.

 Fun with the Ignite interns :)
giving a quick guitar lesson to an Ignite intern after chapel