Praise and Prayer updated 8/13

Newest updates in bold
Praises :
Worship CD is complete and has been sent off to the duplicators!  We should have it available in less than a month!!!

God has lead me to an online Bible study and small group with other women!  Such a gift and answer to prayer!

Josh did an interview for Your Network of Praise radio, and they offered to play our worship cd on their stations when it is available!  They broadcast to many of our tour areas!

Although our schedule has been light, God has continued to meet our needs financially!

We have been able to overcome the overheating issues by minimizing some weight and running the heat while going up hill.  Most of our towing is complete for the summer and the truck engine has held up fine!

Federal non-profit application has been approved!  We are not an official 501(c)(3)!  Woohoo!  Our nonprofit is One Hope, One Truth Ministries!

Prayer Requests :
We are continuing to seek God's wisdom for a more permanent place to land.  We are exploring other location possibilities, so please pray for wisdom & clarity.

We are still in need of a place to stay Mid-November - Mid-January in the greater Seattle area!

Caden will be getting braces next week.  Please pray for minimal pain and self-consciousness! 

We continue to have NO leads on a place to stay over the holidays!  Please pray and keep your eyes and ears open for possibilities!

We believe strongly that we need a consistent place to "land" and rest when we return home in between ministry tours.  We feel this need more and more every time we return home. In the short term (ideally - if it's God's will, by September this year), we're praying for a place to rent and in the long term we'd like to buy or buy land and build. 
Details for Rental Home Prayer Request:
Musicianary Family Looking for Rental Home
(a place to allow us a break from living in the trailer while we’re ministering at local churches, reconnecting with family and friends, and completing our worship album)
What: mother-in-law apartment, house, apartment, garage apartment…whatever! 
We’re not picky! We’re just looking for a private living space to call home for a while!
 When :mid-Nov. – mid-January
(our time frames are very flexible as we have many friends we can stay with
for a few days here or there)
(with possibility of future time periods)
Where: Western Washington
How much:   We are praying for under $800 a month
(NOTE: previously this amount said under $200 a month - THAT WAS A MISTAKE!  That was never the amount we were hoping for, it was supposed to say $200 a week/ $800 per month)
If you’d like to learn more about who we are and what we do, feel free to browse this website (my personal blog) or our ministry website, 
Or contact me with questions.

God is leading us to expand our ministry through writing both through my blog and through a potential book project.  Please pray for wisdom and direction.

Wisdom as we begin considering our next family foreign mission trip

Efficient and productive homeschooling.


1 comment:

  1. Praying! Especially for that house (in Renton, pretty please?), but all of these things.
