Hi! If you are visiting this site for the first time, "Welcome!" I'm glad you're here! I'm excited to share with you about our family's adventures in full-time touring ministry! Be sure to take a look around this site to learn about the first two years of our ministry. Then, be sure to head over to www.StillLearningToFollow.com ! That is the new location of this blog and it is where you can read about our ongoing ministry and receive regular updates about our life on the road! :)
Again, I'm glad you're here and I hope this site will be a blessing, but when you're done here be sure to head over to www.StillLearningToFollow.com for my current blog posts!
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
Friday, August 21, 2015
Movin' On Up! ;)
Woohoo! I'm all legit now! I registered for my own domain and have my very own blog website! I'll keep this one up so people can read the stories and see pictures from the past two years here, but for new posts you'll need to go to www.stilllearningtofollow.com
My new website will be easier for me to edit and for you to comment on! :)
My new website will be easier for me to edit and for you to comment on! :)
Thursday, August 13, 2015
Glacier and Whitefish Adventures
This summer has been...beautiful and blessed! When we left my sister's house eleven weeks ago, my heart was heavy but hopeful. Saying goodbye to my nieces and nephew is always the hardest! They grow so fast and change so much...and I know the dreaded "stranger anxiety" will come soon for the one year old, and I'm terrified of being that - a stranger.
I also knew that saying goodbye for three months would mean missing the birth of my newest niece! I am now counting down the days until I meet her! (7) ! Although we live in our trailer year round and often travel even when we're technically "home", I still measure our "tours" by weeks away from these precious little ones and the rest of my Seattle friends and family. That being said, I knew this would be the longest time away for the year and we have yet to go on the road for more than 8 weeks without me having a homesick, emotional breakdown sooner or later.
However, as I said, I was also hopeful! I knew God had big things planned for this summer and I was anxious to see what He would do. I knew we would be more stationary than usual, spending three weeks at the first RV park, four weeks at Josh's parent's and then four weeks in Whitefish - that meant some stability which I looked forward to. I knew we'd be working hard to finish my worship CD. I knew we were going to many new churches. I knew we'd get to visit Yellowstone National park for the first time and Glacier National Park several times. I knew my boys would get to go to horse camp!
Of course, our God loves to exceed our expectations - to move in bigger, bolder, wiser, supernatural ways in and through us!
So let me tell you what else happened this summer...
We saw lives changed and people come to Christ!
We participated in authentic, humble worship over and over!
We watched our boys display spiritual growth and Biblical understanding that we had not seen before!
We finished writing a worship song - the first we've written since before my vocal injury!
We finished recording our worship album and sent it off for duplication!
We were blessed with a free multi-site, professional photo shoot! This gave us photos for our worship album as well as our new website - which Josh is working on!
I continue to see God's hand of healing in my heart in an area of personal struggle!
Josh began the process of writing a book!
God continues to provide for our ministry financially!
Our boys have shown significant growth in areas we've been working on and praying through both with their schooling and their character!
Our boys made some friends at the RV park we've been staying at so Noah had a friend to invite to celebrate his birthday with!
We have had opportunities to make new friends and minister to a few individuals during our extended RV park stays!
Our God is an awesome, mighty, generous God! I am so grateful for His hand in our lives!
Now as we wrap up this trip and head "home" for a couple weeks, I continue to wait in anticipation of all God has in store! :)
Sunday, August 2, 2015
Pressed But Not Crushed!
Today I am exhausted...depleted. For someone who talks as much as I do, I desperately crave quiet, peace, and solitude. Yes well, living in a trailer you can imagine how often I get solitude! Hah! ;)
That's okay, though. That's what coffee shops and ear buds are for, right?
Even as I type this though I find myself rolling my eyes at me (yes, I do that) because I know how fortunate I really am. While some are starving and sleeping on dirt, I can come to Starbucks, order my froufrou latte and listen to The Piano Guys on Pandora while I type on my laptop using free wifi. Yes, I truly have it rough! Oh geez (insert another eye roll) I hope that my missionary friends in Uganda and Cambodia aren't reading this...
God has different calls for each of us, though! I know that while I must keep in perspective the amount of tremendous blessings in my life, God still sees me where I am and sypathizes with my struggles. He called me here after all! He understands me and cares about my hurts and struggles. He doesn't roll His eyes at me. Thank you, Jesus, for not rolling your eyes at me!
It's been a long weekend! Full of blessings, ministry, new friendships and fellowship...and lots and lots of people. So like I said, I'm tired, even weary!
Of course, the Enemy saw that too and is great at kicking us when we're down. I came to Starbucks for a break. I found a table in the back corner and turned up my music. Then I opened up Facebook. Ug! Brilliant decision, right?! My hope was to see pictures of my nieces and nephew or hear updates from my friends...but that's not what flooded my news feed. Instead, I read about Marines being killed, heros being prosecuted, and late-term abortions being encouraged. My heart wasn't strong enough for all of this today. The heaviness in my heart was almost unbearable as I blinked back tears.
But God! (I'm praising God now that as easily as I can click open my Facebook, I can also click open blueletterbible.org)
You know what else?! The prince of the air, the enemy of our souls...Guess what?! He's the LOSER! He will NOT have the final say! Do you hear that Satan?!? This does not end well for you! You do not get the final say!!!
That's okay, though. That's what coffee shops and ear buds are for, right?
Even as I type this though I find myself rolling my eyes at me (yes, I do that) because I know how fortunate I really am. While some are starving and sleeping on dirt, I can come to Starbucks, order my froufrou latte and listen to The Piano Guys on Pandora while I type on my laptop using free wifi. Yes, I truly have it rough! Oh geez (insert another eye roll) I hope that my missionary friends in Uganda and Cambodia aren't reading this...
God has different calls for each of us, though! I know that while I must keep in perspective the amount of tremendous blessings in my life, God still sees me where I am and sypathizes with my struggles. He called me here after all! He understands me and cares about my hurts and struggles. He doesn't roll His eyes at me. Thank you, Jesus, for not rolling your eyes at me!
It's been a long weekend! Full of blessings, ministry, new friendships and fellowship...and lots and lots of people. So like I said, I'm tired, even weary!
Of course, the Enemy saw that too and is great at kicking us when we're down. I came to Starbucks for a break. I found a table in the back corner and turned up my music. Then I opened up Facebook. Ug! Brilliant decision, right?! My hope was to see pictures of my nieces and nephew or hear updates from my friends...but that's not what flooded my news feed. Instead, I read about Marines being killed, heros being prosecuted, and late-term abortions being encouraged. My heart wasn't strong enough for all of this today. The heaviness in my heart was almost unbearable as I blinked back tears.
But God! (I'm praising God now that as easily as I can click open my Facebook, I can also click open blueletterbible.org)
See, the Sovereign LORD comes with power, and his arm rules for him.
See, his reward is with him, and his recompense accompanies him.
He tends his flock like a shepherd;
He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart;
(Praise Jesus that's me, carried close to his heart!)
he gently leads those that have young...
"To whom will you compare me? Or who is my equal?"
says the Holy One.
Lift your eyes and look to the heavens; Who created all these?
(You did, Oh God, I know You did!!!)
He who brings out the starry host one by one, and calls them each by name.
Because of his great power and mighty strength, not one of them is missing...
Do you not know? Have you not heard?
The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth.
He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom.
He gives strength to the tired and weary and increases the power of the weak."
(Thank you Yahweh! I am weary, but you are not! And you make me strong!)
(Isaiah 40: 10-11, 25-26, 28-29)
You know what else?! The prince of the air, the enemy of our souls...Guess what?! He's the LOSER! He will NOT have the final say! Do you hear that Satan?!? This does not end well for you! You do not get the final say!!!
Then I heard a loud voice in heaven say:
"Now have come the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God,
and the authority of his Christ.
For the accuser of our brothers, who accuses them before our God day and night,
has been hurled down.
(Hurled Down!!!!)
They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony;
they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.
Therefore rejoice, you heavens and you who dwell in them!
But woe to the earth and the sea,
because the devil has gone down to you!
He is filled with fury because he knows that his time is short!..."
"And the devil, who deceived them, was thrown into the lake of burning sulfur..."
(Rev. 12:10-12,20:10a)
Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away,
yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.
For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory
that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen,
but on what is unseen.
For what is seen is temporary but what is unseen is eternal.
(2 Cor. 4:16-18)
Monday, July 27, 2015
Glacier, Recording, and Such
We are continuing to work diligently on our worship CD. This month we are adding "recording studio" to the many hats that our trailer wears! :)
The executive producer listening closely to the latest mix of a song! ;)
We have a nice little campsite here. Although our neighbor is very close (as you can see), he's almost never there so we feel like we have our own private, closed in patio! :) The boys love the round picnic table. It makes a perfect LEGO building spot!
Despite the forest fires on the east side of Glacier National Park, we were still able to enjoy a wonderful day trip there last Friday.
This was our hike! We found this rock wall, that I'm sure is a waterfall in the spring, and we climbed up it from the road you see below! So much fun, but we were sure pooped afterward!
God is THE ultimate artist! What a gift to enjoy His creation!
Run Josh Run!!!
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
I Did Not Fall Off The Edge of the World
Just in case you wondered! ;)
Lots has happened in the past few weeks. Our time in the Billings area is always full and this time was no exception! I can hardly believe we were there a month and now we're gone! I was looking forward to catching you up on Snodgrass happenings last week, and then I got sick. It was some kind of funky bug I guess? I had some cold symptoms, but was mostly just horribly tired and weak. I spent most of last week sleeping. I am much better this week though! Praise the Lord! I was getting seriously bored and stir crazy with my lack of energy!
On the Fourth of July weekend, we loved being in the small town where Josh's parents live for the Independence Day parade! The boys even got to ride on their Grandpappy's antique tractor with him in the parade! After the parade, we drove to Bozeman and were treated to a stay in a nice hotel with a large indoor pool. The boys spent the evening swimming while I soaked in the hot tub. We led the services Sunday morning at Calvary Chapel Bozeman and were blown away by God's work there that morning! God showed up in a big way and worked powerfully in the hearts of several people!
We spent that week working on our worship cd, booking, homeschooling, and visiting with friends and family.
The weekend of the 10th - 12th was extremely busy and full of excitement! We had concerts/services Friday night, Saturday night, Sunday morning and Sunday evening, most of which involved a fair amount of driving. We were able to reconnect with brothers and sisters that we love like family as well as form new ministry partnerships. AND I spent a few hours in the middle of Friday night skyping with my family who were all at a hospital near Seattle, where my brother's baby girl was being born! Yay for a new cousin!!! "Welcome to the family sweet girl!"
Last week my boys attended Vacation Bible School put on by the local churches in the evenings. They LOVED it! They often miss out on opportunities like this, so I was so excited they could participate! They learned about God's Mighty Power to - Provide - Heal - Comfort - Forgive - and Love Forever! :)
Tuesday evening I had the tremendous blessing to spend the evening praying with some ladies from a church that has become like a second home to us. I miss praying and fellowshipping with sisters in Christ, so that time was an answer to prayer.
The rest of last week is a bit of blur for me due to my endless sleeping! ;)
Saturday we gathered all of our belongings from the places we had strewn them throughout my in-law's house over the past month and loaded up to head to Lewistown. We camped the next two nights at the church we were ministering at Sunday. Then yesterday, we headed west across northern Montana along the southern border of Glacier National park, into the Flathead Valley. We'll be staying here for the next four weeks, as we minister to churches all around the area and reconnect with the mission organization that we partner with here. While we're here we hope to get a lot of work done on our worship cd, while also enjoying this gorgeous area! We look forward to spending our days off at Glacier! :)
I promise to post pictures on my next post, but for now you at least know I'm still alive and will blog again...soonish!
Lots has happened in the past few weeks. Our time in the Billings area is always full and this time was no exception! I can hardly believe we were there a month and now we're gone! I was looking forward to catching you up on Snodgrass happenings last week, and then I got sick. It was some kind of funky bug I guess? I had some cold symptoms, but was mostly just horribly tired and weak. I spent most of last week sleeping. I am much better this week though! Praise the Lord! I was getting seriously bored and stir crazy with my lack of energy!
On the Fourth of July weekend, we loved being in the small town where Josh's parents live for the Independence Day parade! The boys even got to ride on their Grandpappy's antique tractor with him in the parade! After the parade, we drove to Bozeman and were treated to a stay in a nice hotel with a large indoor pool. The boys spent the evening swimming while I soaked in the hot tub. We led the services Sunday morning at Calvary Chapel Bozeman and were blown away by God's work there that morning! God showed up in a big way and worked powerfully in the hearts of several people!
We spent that week working on our worship cd, booking, homeschooling, and visiting with friends and family.
The weekend of the 10th - 12th was extremely busy and full of excitement! We had concerts/services Friday night, Saturday night, Sunday morning and Sunday evening, most of which involved a fair amount of driving. We were able to reconnect with brothers and sisters that we love like family as well as form new ministry partnerships. AND I spent a few hours in the middle of Friday night skyping with my family who were all at a hospital near Seattle, where my brother's baby girl was being born! Yay for a new cousin!!! "Welcome to the family sweet girl!"
Last week my boys attended Vacation Bible School put on by the local churches in the evenings. They LOVED it! They often miss out on opportunities like this, so I was so excited they could participate! They learned about God's Mighty Power to - Provide - Heal - Comfort - Forgive - and Love Forever! :)
Tuesday evening I had the tremendous blessing to spend the evening praying with some ladies from a church that has become like a second home to us. I miss praying and fellowshipping with sisters in Christ, so that time was an answer to prayer.
The rest of last week is a bit of blur for me due to my endless sleeping! ;)
Saturday we gathered all of our belongings from the places we had strewn them throughout my in-law's house over the past month and loaded up to head to Lewistown. We camped the next two nights at the church we were ministering at Sunday. Then yesterday, we headed west across northern Montana along the southern border of Glacier National park, into the Flathead Valley. We'll be staying here for the next four weeks, as we minister to churches all around the area and reconnect with the mission organization that we partner with here. While we're here we hope to get a lot of work done on our worship cd, while also enjoying this gorgeous area! We look forward to spending our days off at Glacier! :)
I promise to post pictures on my next post, but for now you at least know I'm still alive and will blog again...soonish!
Wednesday, July 1, 2015
Psalm 8 (The Beartooth Mountains and Yellowstone National Park)
Oh LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!
You have set your glory above the heavens.
Through the praise of children and infants
you have established a stronghold against your enemies,
to silence the foe and the avenger
When I consider your heavens,
the moon and the stars which you have set in place,
You have made him a little lower than the angels,
and crowned him with glory and honor.
You made him ruler over the works of your hands,

all flocks and herds and the animals of the wild,
the birds in the sky and the fish in the sea,
all that swim the path of the seas.
Oh LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!
and crowned him with glory and honor.
You made him ruler over the works of your hands,
you put everything under his feet:

all flocks and herds and the animals of the wild,

the birds in the sky and the fish in the sea,
all that swim the path of the seas.
Oh LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!
Friday, June 26, 2015
Reading God's Word on the Porch
Yesterday, the boys and I did our Bible lesson on my in-law's front porch. I sat on the swing with my Bible and binder and the boys sat on chairs across from me with their Bibles in their laps. They took turns reading from Genesis. They tend to mumble when they read aloud, so I told them to speak up and speak clearly. We started with Creation a few weeks ago and were reading about Abraham's servant bringing Rebekah for Isaac.
At some point as the boys read aloud with no fear or shame or hesitation, images from my Voice of the Martyrs magazine came into my mind and I began to wonder..."How long? How long will my boys be able to read their Bibles in public without fear?"
I don't mean to be a doomsdayer. I am not one to predict the future or worry about such things...but I do wonder.
In the meantime, I pray for my boys to grow in courage. I pray that they will truly love the Lord their God will all of their hearts, souls, and minds. I pray that they will not be ashamed of the Gospel of Christ because it is the power of God that brings Salvation! I pray that they will love and give and share and forgive and speak Life! I pray that they will know and believe Truth to the very core of their being. I pray that God will use them in a mighty way for His kingdom. I pray that if ever faced with a choice, that they will choose to stand - that they will not cower but will claim Jesus with pride!
And as a mama, I pray that God will have mercy on them and me. I pray for their safety, for a hedge of protection around them.
"Almighty God, Creator of the Universe, Giver and Sustainer of life, You alone are God! Teach my boys to love you! Grip their hearts and hold tight all of their days. May they love you more and follow you better than I. May they run the race you have called them to and finish well."
At some point as the boys read aloud with no fear or shame or hesitation, images from my Voice of the Martyrs magazine came into my mind and I began to wonder..."How long? How long will my boys be able to read their Bibles in public without fear?"
I don't mean to be a doomsdayer. I am not one to predict the future or worry about such things...but I do wonder.
In the meantime, I pray for my boys to grow in courage. I pray that they will truly love the Lord their God will all of their hearts, souls, and minds. I pray that they will not be ashamed of the Gospel of Christ because it is the power of God that brings Salvation! I pray that they will love and give and share and forgive and speak Life! I pray that they will know and believe Truth to the very core of their being. I pray that God will use them in a mighty way for His kingdom. I pray that if ever faced with a choice, that they will choose to stand - that they will not cower but will claim Jesus with pride!
And as a mama, I pray that God will have mercy on them and me. I pray for their safety, for a hedge of protection around them.
"Almighty God, Creator of the Universe, Giver and Sustainer of life, You alone are God! Teach my boys to love you! Grip their hearts and hold tight all of their days. May they love you more and follow you better than I. May they run the race you have called them to and finish well."
Tuesday, June 23, 2015
Montana - Our Summer Home
Saturday we drove from Butte to the Billings area to stay with Josh's parents for a few weeks. We'll be serving at churches all over this area (and beyond).
We are all settled in at Josh's parents house. We park our trailer in front of their house and enjoy the benefits of a shower we don't have to wear flip flops in and a full kitchen, while still sleeping in the comfort of our own beds. Yay! :)
Friday evening and Sunday were busy days of ministry, connecting with three new churches. God moved and blessed tremendously and we look forward to a longterm partnership with these churches!
Blogging is particularly difficult when we are here, because we do not have internet at the house. Frequent visits to the library allow us to get online, but it definitely limits my computer time and I have to prioritize carefully how I spend that time. I'll do my best to post as often as I can. In the meantime, "Happy Summer!"
Butte has such a unique kind of beauty!
We are all settled in at Josh's parents house. We park our trailer in front of their house and enjoy the benefits of a shower we don't have to wear flip flops in and a full kitchen, while still sleeping in the comfort of our own beds. Yay! :)
Friday evening and Sunday were busy days of ministry, connecting with three new churches. God moved and blessed tremendously and we look forward to a longterm partnership with these churches!
Look, I do participate at our events! :) - We've enlisted Caden as our photographer. He's learning quickly. Now all we need is a real camera! ;)
We found a new family hobby - letterboxing! We went on our first hunt last week and had so much fun!
(We found our first letter box before we even had a stamp, so Noah decided to draw the picture of the stamp in his book)
Beautiful Montana!
First bike ride with Grandpappy of the summer
Blogging is particularly difficult when we are here, because we do not have internet at the house. Frequent visits to the library allow us to get online, but it definitely limits my computer time and I have to prioritize carefully how I spend that time. I'll do my best to post as often as I can. In the meantime, "Happy Summer!"
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
I'm gonna be really honest with you. Sometimes this life is hard. I mean really, really hard! I try to smile and nod whenever someone comments on how much "fun" our life must be, but it's not always easy to do. Sometimes I have to literally bite my tongue when a comment like this is made to keep from blurting out the long list of things that happened in the past week that made us desperately wish for a more "normal" life.
Of course, living a "normal" life (the kind where you live in a house in one city and work 40 or so hours a week at the same job each day) has plenty of it's own troubles.... I suppose if I wanted to, I could make a list of "pros" and "cons", or a chart to compare the two. You know, like when you're in middle school and trying to decide whether to spend your money on a bike or a trip to the amusement park - or maybe you're trying to figure out whether to go to church camp or volleyball camp... (no, I never played volleyball). This is the kind of chart where you list all the advantages and disadvantages of each choice and then pick the one with more advantages.
We did not make a list like this when we were deciding whether to move out of our home and sell most of our belongings. We didn't do it when Josh put in his notice to quit his job either.
Why not? .... Good question. I was wondering that myself today, when Josh came in after another discouraging day of booking.
It's so strange. When we go to churches and share this ministry, people are so blessed! We don't claim any of the credit. It's all God, for sure! But, people do love it! We hear story after story of how God used the music and the testimonies to deeply challenge, encourage, and move people's hearts. Pastors love it to! Of the over 200 churches that we've been to in the past 2 years, only a handful have not asked us to come back.
Here's the problem though. Josh has to call about 50 churches for every 1 that actually invites us to come! When you do the math, that's A LOT of hours on the phone and sending emails. But what's more significant, is the amount of "No, thank you's" and "We're not interested's" that he has to listen to each day. Throw in the occasional "This is a horrible thing that you're doing to your family." and "This cannot possibly be God's will for your life!" and you have a recipe for discouragement. That is hard on a man's spirit and as his wife, it breaks my heart because I can't fix it.
So, like I said, today I found myself wondering if we were sure this is what we should be doing.
Then I read this,
"What is my purpose in life? If our goal in life is to be happy or accepted or loved, then anything that threatens our well-being will be an enemy - an obstacle to fulfilling our objective. On the other hand, once we agree with God that we exist for His pleasure and His glory, we can accept whatever comes into our lives as part of His sovereign will and purpose. We will not resent, resist, or reject the 'hard things', but embrace them as friends, sovereignly designed by God to make us like Jesus and to bring glory to Himself. We will be able to look into His face and say, 'It's not about me. It's about You. If it pleases you, it pleases me. All that matters is that You are glorified.'" (Nancy Leigh DeMoss - Lies Women Believe and the Truth that Sets Them Free)
I asked Josh this afternoon, "Do you still believe this is what God has called us to - that we are in the center of His will, obeying and following Him?"
He answered, "Yes."
And so do I.
No pros and cons list necessary.
*Visit my new blog location at www.StillLearningToFollow.com*
Of course, living a "normal" life (the kind where you live in a house in one city and work 40 or so hours a week at the same job each day) has plenty of it's own troubles.... I suppose if I wanted to, I could make a list of "pros" and "cons", or a chart to compare the two. You know, like when you're in middle school and trying to decide whether to spend your money on a bike or a trip to the amusement park - or maybe you're trying to figure out whether to go to church camp or volleyball camp... (no, I never played volleyball). This is the kind of chart where you list all the advantages and disadvantages of each choice and then pick the one with more advantages.
We did not make a list like this when we were deciding whether to move out of our home and sell most of our belongings. We didn't do it when Josh put in his notice to quit his job either.
Why not? .... Good question. I was wondering that myself today, when Josh came in after another discouraging day of booking.
It's so strange. When we go to churches and share this ministry, people are so blessed! We don't claim any of the credit. It's all God, for sure! But, people do love it! We hear story after story of how God used the music and the testimonies to deeply challenge, encourage, and move people's hearts. Pastors love it to! Of the over 200 churches that we've been to in the past 2 years, only a handful have not asked us to come back.
Here's the problem though. Josh has to call about 50 churches for every 1 that actually invites us to come! When you do the math, that's A LOT of hours on the phone and sending emails. But what's more significant, is the amount of "No, thank you's" and "We're not interested's" that he has to listen to each day. Throw in the occasional "This is a horrible thing that you're doing to your family." and "This cannot possibly be God's will for your life!" and you have a recipe for discouragement. That is hard on a man's spirit and as his wife, it breaks my heart because I can't fix it.
So, like I said, today I found myself wondering if we were sure this is what we should be doing.
Then I read this,
"What is my purpose in life? If our goal in life is to be happy or accepted or loved, then anything that threatens our well-being will be an enemy - an obstacle to fulfilling our objective. On the other hand, once we agree with God that we exist for His pleasure and His glory, we can accept whatever comes into our lives as part of His sovereign will and purpose. We will not resent, resist, or reject the 'hard things', but embrace them as friends, sovereignly designed by God to make us like Jesus and to bring glory to Himself. We will be able to look into His face and say, 'It's not about me. It's about You. If it pleases you, it pleases me. All that matters is that You are glorified.'" (Nancy Leigh DeMoss - Lies Women Believe and the Truth that Sets Them Free)
I asked Josh this afternoon, "Do you still believe this is what God has called us to - that we are in the center of His will, obeying and following Him?"
He answered, "Yes."
And so do I.
No pros and cons list necessary.
*Visit my new blog location at www.StillLearningToFollow.com*
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
The Sunny Side of the Mountains ;)
Isn't our God amazing!? One of the sweet blessings of this life is how often we get to see new displays of God's beautiful creation! It never gets old! Last Saturday we spent the afternoon at Farragut State Park. We took a short little hike down to the lake front and let the kids play in the water! It was a beautiful, peaceful afternoon and our boys enjoyed the gift of spashing in the lake with a friend! :)
I couldn't resist the cuteness of this picture! The four kids swinging are ages 8 - 16. My Noah is the one not on the swing and he is the youngest of this group. He's standing with his arms crossed, not because he's upset, but to show how close he can stand behind the swings without being afraid or getting clobbered! (not sure how to "type" an eye roll) He's such a boy!
Sunday we ministered at two new churches! It was such a gift to connect with each of these churches and partner with them in ministry! Both churches opened their doors to us because of references from pastors of other churches we've been to. Praise God for these pastors, and others like them, who believe in our ministry and support us in this way. We look forward to longstanding relationships with these new churches as well! God is so gracious to include us in His work!
Yesterday, we shared at a homechurch that we have been to twice before. What a sweet group of people. Every time we minister there, we leave feeling ministered to - so very blessed and loved! Tonight we'll be at a church that we haven't been to in two years. It was one of the very first churches we went to after God led us out on this adventure. Our ministry has changed dramatically since then and we look forward to sharing those changes with this group!
The weather has been absolutely beautiful and very toasty, so the boy's and I played "hooky" from schoolwork yesterday and went to the beach instead! :) (This is one of my favorite reasons to homeschool "year round"! We can skip whenever we want!)
It was pretty crowded and the water was chilly, so it took a while for the boys to get the nerve to go in all the way.)
I however had no problem at all doing what I came to do...lay in the sun and soak up some Vitamin D! :)
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